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The Mriya 2

Here is some pictures of the Mriya 2. The renovation of this plane should have begun in late 2007 to finish in 2008, but unfortunatly the work haven’t begun yet.

Mriya 2 Mriya 2 Mriya 2

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Comment from Damon Hill
Time: 2008-12-24, 10.27

Is the Mriya a modified An-124 airframe, or a derivative that’s significantly different? It certainly appears to have a long fuselage!

Comment from Vassili Petrovitch
Time: 2008-12-24, 10.37

The Mriya is based on the An-124 design, its dimensions are increased but it’s almost the same shape.
This is the main reason that allowed Antonov to built it so quickly.

Comment from csk
Time: 2009-02-10, 12.56

Mriya « 2″ will likely be completed to the 100M-150 standard of the An-124. That’s IF it’s completed.
Damon, the 225 is a modified 124 airframe. Heavily modified.

Comment from Sercio
Time: 2009-02-27, 9.57

Why didnt they finish the 2. one? The first one was made on my birth 1988 and 21 years later there is only 1 version? I heard about that they even consider to made a AN325 which would have 8 Jets in total which would be absolutly record. Im sick of staying with technologys which are older then myself, its a shame that antonov didnt made something better yet! I mean the cargo buisness is grewing up and airplanes like the An225 are more needed then ever before!
I just dont get it!

Comment from Vassili Petrovitch
Time: 2009-02-28, 12.11

The Mriya was initialy made for the Buran project. When they finished the first one the program was paused and some years later the USSR collapsed. That’s why they didn’t need another plane. It was rechape soon for unusual commercial use. They only use it when they can’t use an-124, because this plane is very expensive.

Comment from csk
Time: 2009-03-05, 8.58

It’s really too bad that the second one has not yet been completed. They keep saying it will be finished soon, yet it’s never done. You can certainly bet that when the demand for 82060 becomes a strain on the airframe the second one will get the funding to be completed. And who knows, perhaps they are working getting the second one done right now, but I’m inclined to doubt it. There is too much demand for maintainance on the rather large number of 124′s to concentrate efforts on the second 225.

Comment from Jack
Time: 2009-06-13, 10.46

This aircraft is beautifull, I appreciate the design

Comment from Derek Webb
Time: 2009-10-14, 11.57

This beautiful aircraft just brought 10 very large generators into American Samoa to help repair Tsunami Damage to our power station. The sight of this plane landing is a once in a lifetime event. I couldn’t believe how little noise it made on takeoff. Amazing. I have wounderful pictures.

Comment from Viper
Time: 2010-02-12, 10.56

What would it take to get the second plan going again? The AN-225 is a great aircraft and more should be made. I would personally interested in sourcing for funds to get it done.

Comment from csk
Time: 2010-02-15, 8.28

It would take money and lots of it (several millions). I’m pretty certain the only reason the funds have yet to be ‘procured’ is that there’s no guarantee of a large enough demand at the present time. That’s why I’d mentioned above that once the demand and/or strain becomes too great on UR-82060 the funds will be made available. The second one will almost surely be completed once the need arises or someone simply wants to invest in it. It’s just a matter of time and hopefully it’s not too long – it’s my favorite aircraft :-)

Comment from Peter
Time: 2010-06-26, 6.53

Do they have engines for this one or are they the same as on the 124?

Comment from csk
Time: 2010-06-28, 6.46

Yeah, same engines… identical.

Comment from Peter
Time: 2010-07-29, 8.20

I actually doubt that they will ever finish the second airframe.
Taking the time and corrosion state of the actual frame without any weather protection the frame will never being used again.
The frame seems empty and the cost to recreate the same frame seems not to be very high in conjunction to the complete system. If ever comes need for repair or replacement of no.1 they likely will start a completely new frame.

Comment from Peter
Time: 2010-07-30, 3.39

Does anyone know how often the only 225 is being utilised? I have seen it here in Denmark but if the demand is there for another one what is holding them back?

Comment from Vassili Petrovitch
Time: 2010-07-30, 4.06

To my knowledge its schedule is pretty full. But I’m not sure they are over loaded with it.

Comment from Abner
Time: 2010-08-22, 1.14

Parece que a Antonov tem planos de concluir o segundo An-225-100 Mriya em 2011. Isso é verdade?

Comment from kirovk
Time: 2010-11-06, 4.09

А господин Петрович, какое на сегодня состояние проекта воздушно-космического старта МАКС.Как показал пример « Ð“лобал Челенджер » в етом проекте есть жизнь. Таким образом можно добится и финансированием заканчивания второго ( а может бить не только второго ) самолета АН225

Comment from Vassili Petrovitch
Time: 2010-11-11, 12.39

Hello, for now the MAKC project is stopped, there is no more development about it.

Comment from kirovk
Time: 2010-11-11, 1.21

Thank you m-r Petrovitch, but can you explain why this project was stopped? I can not found a properly explanation ?

Comment from Peter Konrad
Time: 2010-12-29, 12.14

They should complete it and fit it with 4x Rolls-Royce Trent 980 instead of the Ivchenkos. They would weigh about the same as the 6 Progress engines (a Trent is about 2 tonnes heavier than a Progress at about the same dimensions) but give 20,000 lbf more thrust while delivering massive fuel savings.

Comment from Vassili Petrovitch
Time: 2010-12-30, 3.01

To kirovk: To put it in a nutshell, the project was not profitable enough and during the 90′s the Russia was in a deap economic recession that’s why they didn’t want to invest money in hazardous projects.

Comment from William Saul
Time: 2011-05-03, 12.53

This is amazing. I wish the second prototype was built once and for all. That way the first won’t retire early or late.

Comment from William Saul
Time: 2011-05-16, 11.15

Does this mean the Ukranians have to do all the work on the second Antonov AN-225 because of their independence from the soviets and they can now own the first Antonov AN-225?

Comment from Vassili Petrovitch
Time: 2011-05-16, 11.58

Yes, since the collapse of the USSR they own the second Antonov. They have to pay by them self for the completion if they want it.