buran, shuttle buran program, energia, space shuttle, launcher energia, launcher, USSR, mriya, polyus, poliyus, energya, maks, bor-4, bor-5, bor-6, energia-buran, soviet rocket, space shuttle, soviet launcher, Буран, Энергия, plans, schematic, soviet, russian shuttle, russian space shuttle, USSRburan, shuttle buran program, energia, space shuttle, launcher energia, launcher, USSR, mriya, polyus, poliyus, energya, maks, bor-4, bor-5, bor-6, energia-buran, soviet rocket, space shuttle, soviet launcher, Буран, Энергия, plans, schematic, soviet, russian shuttle, russian space shuttle, USSR

Я Block

The need of creating an exchange structure between the launcher Energia and the launching pad led to the creation of the Я block. This block ensures the dismountable connection of the hydraulic, pneumatic and electric cables. This kind of structure is very current in the development of rockets. For example the war missiles SS-18 and SS-24 were equipped with a similar structure, assembled in factory and comprising explosive connections to ensure an instantaneous separation.

The Я block is used as mechanical stand and firmly holds the blocks of the 1st and 2nd stage. The block protects the launcher from the possible gas returns at the time of takeoff. It is envisaged to be used several times.

launcher, rocket, russian, soviet, vulkan, Energia M, Energia, Zenit, Russian lunar rocket, N-1
Top sight
launcher, rocket, russian, soviet, vulkan, Energia M, Energia, Zenit, Russian lunar rocket, N-1
Bottom sight

The Я block is of rectangular shape and measures 20.25 m by 11.5 m, the height of the flat part is 1.2 m. Its mass is 150 t. On the superior part of the block is assembled the pneumo-hydraulics connection column which is connected to the central block of the rocket. Interior contours are drawn by the shape of the engines's nozzle. Lastly, the mechanical stands of the launcher are located on the outside of the Я block. After the launch of the rocket the mast folds back of 30° and lids controlled by electromagnets come to close the conduits to protect them from gases.

buran, shuttle buran program, energia, space shuttle, launcher energia, launcher, USSR, mriya, polyus, poliyus, energya, maks, bor-4, bor-5, bor-6, energia-buran, soviet rocket, space shuttle, soviet launcher, Буран, Энергия, plans, schematic, soviet, russian shuttle, russian space shuttle, USSR
buran, shuttle buran program, energia, space shuttle, launcher energia, launcher, USSR, mriya, polyus, poliyus, energya, maks, bor-4, bor-5, bor-6, energia-buran, soviet rocket, space shuttle, soviet launcher, Буран, Энергия, plans, schematic, soviet, russian shuttle, russian space shuttle, USSR

energia, energiya, launcher, rocket, russian, soviet, propellant, block A, energia, energiya, booster, central bloc, launcher, rocket, russian, soviet, propellant, block A, booster, central bloc, energia, energiya, launcher, rocket, russian, soviet, propellant, block A, booster, central bloc, launcher, rocket, russian, soviet, propellant, block A, booster, central bloc, energia, energiya