buran, shuttle buran program, energia, space shuttle, launcher energia, launcher, USSR, mriya, polyus, poliyus, energya, maks, bor-4, bor-5, bor-6, energia-buran, soviet rocket, space shuttle, soviet launcher, Буран, Энергия, plans, schematic, soviet, russian shuttle, russian space shuttle, USSRburan, shuttle buran program, energia, space shuttle, launcher energia, launcher, USSR, mriya, polyus, poliyus, energya, maks, bor-4, bor-5, bor-6, energia-buran, soviet rocket, space shuttle, soviet launcher, Буран, Энергия, plans, schematic, soviet, russian shuttle, russian space shuttle, USSR

The dashboard

The dashboard of Buran is divided into several parts, the navigation management system , the on-board systems, the management of stowing to the shuttle, the management of the payload carrying.

On Buran there can be 6 working stations (Pt): PT1-2 - working stations of the commander and the pilot; PT3-6 - of the on-board engineer, management of the stowing, management of the remote manipulator system, management of the systems; PT4-5 - there are desks in the lower section of the cabin which correspond to the hopper module and the exit module.

For the similar shuttle (BTS-002 GLI) the dashboard was modified, because of additionnal turbines:

buran, shuttle buran program, energia, space shuttle, launcher energia, launcher, USSR, mriya, polyus, poliyus, energya, maks, bor-4, bor-5, bor-6, energia-buran, soviet rocket, space shuttle, soviet launcher, Буран, Энергия, plans, schematic, soviet, russian shuttle, russian space shuttle, USSR buran, shuttle buran program, energia, space shuttle, launcher energia, launcher, USSR, mriya, polyus, poliyus, energya, maks, bor-4, bor-5, bor-6, energia-buran, soviet rocket, space shuttle, soviet launcher, Буран, Энергия, plans, schematic, soviet, russian shuttle, russian space shuttle, USSR buran, shuttle buran program, energia, space shuttle, launcher energia, launcher, USSR, mriya, polyus, poliyus, energya, maks, bor-4, bor-5, bor-6, energia-buran, soviet rocket, space shuttle, soviet launcher, Буран, Энергия, plans, schematic, soviet, russian shuttle, russian space shuttle, USSR

buran, shuttle buran program, energia, space shuttle, launcher energia, launcher, USSR, mriya, polyus, poliyus, energya, maks, bor-4, bor-5, bor-6, energia-buran, soviet rocket, space shuttle, soviet launcher, Буран, Энергия, plans, schematic, soviet, russian shuttle, russian space shuttle, USSR

A - Top Screen; B - Dashboard Panel; C - Informations of navigation; D - General-purpose ndicator (screens); E - Panel of the left desk; F - Panel of the right desk; G - Central desk; H - Screen system of J; J - Control screen; K - Block of communication and management of the images; L - Three-phase static transducer; M - Desk of the on-board engineer; N - General-purpose control panel (data-processing desk); O - User desk; P - Desk of the hopper; Q - Desk of the lower section of the cabin (livable section); R - Desk of the exit module; S - Graphics processor; T - Panel of navigation; U - Additional Desk; V - Flying laboratory

On all the Russian manned space ships, like on the Salyut and Diamants, the design of the dashboard is identical, and was developed by the same organization. Due to the great number of apparatuses the mass of the dashboard was 90 kg and exceeded of 13% the requirements of the contract conditions.
